This revisional augmentation patient (37 yrs old, several children, 5 foot 5, about 140 lbs) had subglandular saline implants in the 400 range which were bottomed out and saggy. She felt matronly and had to wear super tight bras to feel lifted. Her corrective surgery involved removing the old saline implants (explant) and making a new pocket under the pectoral muscle (site change to retropectoral position). To close off the large space her old implants had created, a capsulorrhaphy (capsule repair) was done inferiorly on both sides and reinforced with GalaFLEX® soft tissue support overlay. Dr Pautler then placed new silicone gel implants (Allergan Natrelle® 400 SRX on the left, 445 SRX on the right) in the subpectoral pocket. Finally, the revision was completed by removing excess sagging skin from the breast with a bilateral mastopexy. Her result is shown below. She has a supported breast with better cleavage, more upper pole fullness, and can go without a bra for certain dresses and occasions. She is a full D cup and thrilled.
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