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Labiaplasty Pittsburgh

These days plastic surgery is becoming more and more mainstream. People are less hesitant about talking about the things they want to change or have changed about their appearance. There are less stigma's attached to it. There have also been many wonderful advances in plastic surgery,

New techniques and procedures that are available that weren’t in years past. One such procedure is perhaps not yet talked much about in mainstream circles. Labiaplasty is a procedure to improve or rejuvenate the appearance of a woman’s genitalia. Many women as they age and particularly after child birth, wish they could rejuvenate the appearance of their labia minora (the inner lips of the vulva), while some women are born with labia minor that are longer or protrude more than usual that makes them feel self-conscious. In addition to cosmetic dissatisfaction, elongated labia minora sometimes causes discomfort.

Through Labiaplasty, Dr. Simona Pautler has helped many women achieve the functional and cosmetic results they wanted. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your labia and would like to learn more about your options for rejuvenations, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Simona Pautler today.

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If you’d like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pautler, please contact our practice using the provided form. A member of our staff will be in touch with you shortly.

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